Persons living outside the U.S.

A person living outside the U.S. may apply for a Religious visa at the U.S. consulate or embassy in their home country if:

  • The person is a member of a religious denomination having a bonafide nonprofit religious organization in the U.S.  at least two years before filing the petition
  • The person is coming to work in the U.S. as a religious worker
  • The person is employed by:
    • A non-profit religious organization in the U.S.;
    • A Religious Organzition that is authorized by a group tax exemption holder to use its group tax exemption; or
    • A non-profit organization which is affiliated with a religious denomination in the U.S.
  • The person intends to work with the religious organization at least 20 hours a week

Persons living inside the U.S.

A person living in the U.S. may apply for a religious visa with USCIS. The qualifying factors are the same as one living outside the U.S., but the filing process differs.

Once the petition is approved and the R visa holder has worked with the religious organization for at least two years, they may file for a green card.

This category extends the immigration benefits to one’s qualifying family members.

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